• Minimizing negative economic, environmental and social impacts.
  • Generating greater economic benefits for local people by taking tourists to less travelled areas and spreading these benefits such as utilising guesthouses and their services, using local guides, local transport providers and local suppliers.
  • We aim to also enhance the well-being of host communities, improve working conditions and guarantee fair wages for all our staff and access to the tourism industry for all interested, especially young and unemployed people.
  • Involving local people in decisions that affect their life chances for better opportunity and encourage their involvement in tourism industry.
  • Making significant and positive contributions to the conservation of natural, cultural and historic heritage.
  • Developing new touristic attractions in the regions that are undeveloped so they can have a chance to enter into the tourism industry. We always take care of the impact on the eco-system and focus on nature preservation. We avoid tourism that harms animals (when we use horses or mules for transport in some remote regions we do not overload them). We also focus on low carbon impact tourism and commitment to a small group travel up to 12 tourists, eating local and organic food and also providing vegetarian and in some places vegan options.

Outdoor Kosovo develop tours and activities that meets the needs of present tourists and host regions, while protecting and enhancing opportunities for the future of everyone involved. Although there is an appetite from locals to have more and more tourists we are conscious about tourism dispersal when we develop our tours and we are against over tourism in one region.

We all sadly are noticing that is becoming a reality that tourism in certain areas especially in mountain regions will be seriously affected by climate change in future, that’s why we are offering a new type of travelling, for people who want to reduce the impact that they are having on the environment as they travel, addressing the needs of visitors, the industry, the environment and host communities. One of the biggest problem in the region is lack of alternative transportation, using the rivers for small hydro power plants, proper waste collection, lack of support from the government, lack of professional training and certification, etc.

We design and focus our tours and activities towards the local people who rely entirely on the revenue that tourism brings to their community, but also taking care towards protecting the natural and economic environment in tourist areas.

We are investing time and all our efforts in developing strong, sustainable business practices that will give you some brilliant new tours and adventure opportunities in an evolving and expanding space.

These actions are appealing to more and more travellers who want to reduce their impact on the planet, but don’t necessarily know how. Outdoor Kosovo as a tour operator will give you the opportunity to take part on all these positive actions through travelling in the region.

+383 49 168 566 |

©2024 | Outdoor Kosova | Registered in Kosova, number 810769945